
August 2022

Our Worship Services have returned to normal and our in-person attendance is growing. Face coverings are optional, and if you will find that seating in the transcepts is more socially distanced. Beginning in Lent 2022, most groups are meeting. Please refer to the calendar for details.

If you are feeling sick or are in a high risk group, please continue to worship at home. You may view or listen to Pr. Walt’s sermons on the Sermon Page, Email the church secretary at to receive an e-worship folder.

August Olive Leaves

August 2022 CalendarAugust 2022 Calendar

August 2022 Lectionary
The Scripture readings for Sundays in August, Church Year C

August 2022 Read the Bible in Three Years

June & July 2022

Our Worship Services have returned to normal and our in-person attendance is growing. Face coverings are optional, and if you will find that seating in the transcepts is more socially distanced. Beginning in Lent 2022, most groups are meeting. Please refer to the calendar for details.

If you are feeling sick or are in a high risk group, please continue to worship at home. You may view or listen to Pr. Walt’s sermons on the Sermon Page, Email the church secretary at to receive an e-worship folder.

June & July 2022 Olive Leaves

June 2022 Calendar

July 2022 Calendar

June & July 2022 Lectionary
The Scripture readings for Sundays in June & July, Church Year C

June & July 2022 Read the Bible in Three Years

May 2022

Our Worship Services have returned to normal and our in-person attendance is growing. Face coverings are optional, and if you will find that seating in the transcepts is more socially distanced. Beginning in Lent 2022, most groups are meeting. Please refer to the calendar for details.

If you are feeling sick or are in a high risk group, please continue to worship at home. You may view or listen to Pr. Walt’s sermons on the Sermon Page, Email the church secretary at to receive an e-worship folder.

May 2022 Olive Leaves

May 2022 Calendar

May 2022 Lectionary
The Scripture readings for Sundays in May, Church Year C

May 2022 – Read the Bible in Three Years

April 2022

Our Worship Services have returned to normal and our in-person attendance is growing. Face coverings are optional, and if you will find that seating in the transcepts is more socially distanced. Beginning in Lent 2022, most groups are meeting. Please refer to the calendar for details.

If you are feeling sick or are in a high risk group, please continue to worship at home. You may view or listen to Pr. Walt’s sermons on the Sermon Page, Email the church secretary at to receive an e-worship folder.

April 2022 Olive Leaves

April 2022 Calendar

April 2022 Lectionary
The Scripture readings for Sundays in April, Church Year C

Read the Bible in Three Years- April 2022

March 2022

Our Worship Services have returned to normal and our in-person attendance is growing. Face coverings are optional, and if you will find that seating in the transcepts is more socially distanced. Beginning in Lent 2022, most groups are meeting. Please refer to the calendar for details.

If you are feeling sick or are in a high risk group, please continue to worship at home. You may view or listen to Pr. Walt’s sermons on the Sermon Page, Email the church secretary at to receive an e-worship folder.

March 2022 Olive Leaves

March 2022 Calendar

March 2022 Lectionary
The Scripture readings for Sundays in March, Church Year C

Read the Bible in Three Years March 2022