Our Music Ministry

“When in our music, God is glorified.
And adoration leaves no room for pride.
It is as though the whole creation cried:
ALLELUIA!” (LSB, Hymn 796)

Mount Olive is Pleased to Welcome Catherine Black as Our New Organist

Active not only as a piano soloist and accompanist, Catherine is also a mental health advocate and entrepreneur.

Having performed in over 50 venues across South Carolina, she enjoys sharing music with a variety of audiences. Catherine has served as a Young Juror for the Arthur Fraser International Piano Competition, appeared in a commercial for the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, and regularly performs in solo, ensemble, and orchestral works.

Catherine founded Classical Healing Keys to mobilize classical musicians in support of mental health. She rehearses with the orchestra at First Baptist North Spartanburg and will soon work as a staff accompanist at the University of South Carolina. Catherine holds a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and concentration in Music Entrepreneurship from the University of South Carolina, is certified in Mental Health First Aid, and has obtained an Master of Music in Piano Performance from Converse University.

Her senior thesis, “Music and Mental Health: Increasing Awareness and Promoting Wellness,” has been downloaded nearly 3,000 times in 112 different countries since May 2022.

Handbell choir ringing on Palm Sunday
The music ministry of Mount Olive seeks to always point the congregation to God. Through His beautiful gift of melody and song combined with words inspired by the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, we hope to focus others minds and hearts on the greatness of our Lord and His tremendous love for each of us.

Amazingly, God weaves our simple musical ability into songs of praise and thanksgiving, through the dedication of wonderful Christians, lives are touched and others are led to praise also. We strive to include everyone who loves music and is willing to use his or her gifts in ministry. Very few of our musicians are formally trained, but we make up for that with great enthusiasm!

We are blessed at this time to have trumpeters, violinists, a flautist, and handbell ringers to provide special music along with our organist and pianist during our services. And we are ready to include anyone who wishes to share his or her abilities. We have an Adult Choir and a Handbell Choir that rehearse weekly and participate in services regularly. New members are always welcome…come and join in the praise!

Children's Christmas Pageant

“Let every instrument be tuned for praise.
Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise.
And may God give us faith to sing always:
ALLELUIA!” (LSB, Hymn 796)



Catherine Black is an organist and collaborative pianist, often wearing additional hats as a piano teacher, mental health advocate, and entrepreneur. 

An active musician since 2011, Catherine has enjoyed serving many congregations as interim and substitute pianist or organist. She has served as a Young Juror for the Arthur Fraser International Piano Competition, holds a position as a Staff Accompanist at the University of South Carolina, and serves as the Artistic Director for Classical Healing Keys.

Catherine earned the Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance with Concentration in Entrepreneurship from the University of South Carolina and the Master of Music in Piano Performance with Distinction in Performance from Converse University.

Choir Director


Renee Harper has been involved in the music ministries of her various churches since she was a small child. She sings, plays the flute and plays handbells. Over the years she has worked closely with many organists. She has led Adult Choirs, Handbell Choirs and Orchestral Ensembles as well as Vacation Bible School music. She is always looking for more volunteers to use their talents in service to the Lord!


At the time of our church dedication in September 2002, Mount Olive was presented with a new organ to the glory of God: The Johannes Opus 30. It includes 38 voices-American Classic; 38 voices-Baroque, 4 amplifiers, 3 manuals, 15 toe studs. Capture: 320 memories with 24 bit sound quality.

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