Our Parish Life
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Church is where we come together to worship God. It’s also where we make friends and build community. It’s where we’re connected to resources to serve others. Mount Olive invites you to participate in the activities that make our Parish Life special.
The men at Mount Olive are invited to participate in a fellowship prayer breakfast that meets in the fellowship hall on the third Saturday of each month, September through May. The men gather at 8:00 AM where they share a freshly cooked breakfast followed by a brief devotion or Bible study from the pastors or lay minister. A love offering is collected that is used for community outreach ministry. The group concludes with prayer at 9:00 AM.
Mount Olive’s Senior High Youth Group is active in activities such as Bible study, service, and outreach projects. Every three years, the group attends the LCMS National Youth Gathering with thousands of other Lutheran youth! Pictured above, the youth prepare for their Sub Sunday fundraiser for the 2016 National Youth Gathering. Below are some photos from the July 2019 NYG in Minneapolis.
Senior Retirees’ Ministry
The Senior Retirees’ Group meets monthly for devotions, prayer, snacks, and social time. The senior adults enjoy sharing their faith and life experiences with each other. The group takes on ministry projects for the church and community. Recently, they collected bathroom items for a refugee family through Lutheran Family Services. They have assembled Christmas and Easter bags for the preschool children and filled plastic eggs with candy for Mount Olive’s annual Easter egg hunt.
Mount Olive’s Board of Fellowship hosts potluck luncheons throughout the year. Everyone brings scrumptious dishes to share and nobody leaves hungry! Often, the meals will have themes or there will be a special presentation by one of the church groups. Refer to “Parish Updates” for dates of upcoming meals.
The last Sunday of August is designated for our Sunday school kick-off, Rally Day. The congregation usually enjoys a picnic hosted by the Board of Christian Education. After lunch, members of all ages participate in activities and fellowship. The following week, the first Sunday in September, the new program year for our Sunday school begins.
Throughout the year, our members join together to complete projects around our buildings and grounds. These activities range from cleaning everything in the kitchen, decorating for Christmas, setting up for fellowship meals, or organizing storage areas. We work hard because our work is for the Lord!
Our Board of Elders
The Elders are men noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ. They are the spiritual advisors of the congregation, and by the grace of God, ensure that Lutheran doctrine and Christian discipline are preserved in the congregation. They are examples of Christian conduct and Christian witness. They assist the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation. Each elder has a Care Group of members for which he takes spiritual charge and oversight as an extension of the Pastor.
The 2023-24 Elders are:
Dennis Dixon (Chairman)
Chris Bauer, David Buck
Stuart Dalton, Randy Gifford
Doug Lacey, Eddie Magic
Hunter Robinson &
Dan Zahn
Our Church Council
Mount Olive’s Church Council is comprised of the church officers, board/ committee chairpersons, and our pastors & lay minister (ex-officio). The group meets monthly to discuss business, prepare the budget, plan quarterly voter’s meetings, and to present updates. The chairpersons provide for the ongoing management, planning, and evaluation of their programs and activities. The 2023-24 Church Council members are:
Church Officers:
President, Jim Crosland
Vice President, Jason Dennis
Secretary, Noelle Franzen
Treasurer, Vacant
Financial Secretary, Vacant
Board Chairpersons:
Worship, Liz Rosinski
Public Relations, Sue Strouse
Preschool, Page Fletcher
Social Ministry, Mary Keller
Stewardship, Naven Olson
Evangelism, Richard Shealy
Education, Liezl Baden
Trustees, James Sharpe
Elders, Dennis Dixon
Parish Fellowship, Jill Brabham
Committee Chairpersons:
Finance, Bill Boykin
Nominating, Jason Dennis
Preschool Fundraiser

Mount Olive’s Preschool hosts fundraisers as needed. Each November, the Tree of Thanksgiving Fundraiser reminds the Mount Olive congregation of the Christian blessing that the preschool is in the community and to offer monetary support. In the spring, the congregation and preschool families often enjoy sharing a meal and fun activities such as an evening meal, followed by entertainment, music, a silent auction, and a lively oral auction!
Look for more information in your bulletins and newsletters closer to the time of these events.
Guided Painting Class & Fellowship
Mt. Olive has been hosting a guided painting class several times a year hosted by one of our members. Our next painting session will be in the summer of 2023. Look for announcements in the church bulletin and newsletter. The session will cost $6 to cover the cost of the supplies, and bring your favorite dish to share with the group!
The Safety Team
Mt. Olive is developing a Safety Team that will plan, coordinate, and respond to medical emergencies, weather related emergencies, fire emergencies, and situational emergencies. A brief overview of the Safety Team is attached.