Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
Don’t worry about what you wear. We’re glad to see you and are excited that you have come to worship with us! We want you and your family to feel welcome and at home. We care so much more about you than the way you dress! We encourage you to come however you feel most comfortable, whether that’s a suit or sandals! Please maintain modesty in your choices.
Where should I park my car?
There are parking areas on either side of the church. There is additional gravel parking behind the Wagner House, adjacent to the church. Handicap parking is located in two places: across from the main entrance (accessible via ramp) and in the lower parking area behind the church (accessible via elevator).
What can I expect at Worship Services?
Saturday and Sunday Worship Services are all traditional Lutheran Worship Services that focus on the Word of God, especially the Good News about Jesus Christ. Everything you need is printed in the bulletin, with the exception of the hymns, located in the Lutheran Service Book. You can expect to see friendly faces, feel welcomed, and most importantly, experience the presence of God. It does not matter whether or not you have ever been to a Lutheran Church. We welcome every one and will be glad to answer any questions. Check out the Worship page for more information. Out of respect, please remember to turn your cell phones to “silent” during Worship and do not bring food or drink in the sanctuary.
Is there a nursery available during Worship?
There is a cry room for children. It is located on the lower level just behind the sanctuary.
Tell me about your Sunday morning Bible Studies and Sunday School.
The Sunday School hour is at 9:15 AM, between our two Sunday Worship Services. Once the pandemic is over and we return to our regular schedule, there are classes for ages 3-years through adults. Our friendly congregation will direct you to the right classes! For more information and location of classes, continue to the next question.
Is there a floor plan of the church to help me find my way around?
Here is a map for your convenience. Use the stairs at the top of the map to access the nursery (downstairs) or the children’s Sunday School, ages 3-years to 4th grade (upstairs). 5th to 12th grade classes are located in the Wagner House, adjacent to the church. Adult classes are located in the Fellowship Hall and in rooms below, accessible by the stairs or elevator in the “blue area” of the map.
How can I request further information about Mt. Olive?
- Sign the guest register, located by the main entrance, and include your contact information.
- Get a current newsletter, the Olive Leaves, from the basket by the guest register. You can also read the
web version of the newsletter. - The Saturday/Sunday bulletins include the Olive Seeds, a color page of announcements and the weekly
calendar. - Take time to browse the pages on our website. Updates are made on a weekly basis to keep the
information current. - “Like” us on Facebook at Posts are made almost daily and
include: This Week, our calendar, reminders, scripture, and links from other Lutheran pages. - Call or visit the church during the week:
Address: 1541 Lake Murray Blvd., Columbia, SC 29212
Phone: (803) 781-5845 - For more detailed contact information, go to our Contact page on the website.
Enjoy your visit to other pages on our website and find out more about Mt. Olive!