The Video and Audio of the Sermons will be posted on Sunday afternoons or by the next morning for evening services.


May 26, 2024 – Holy Trinity Pr. Colin Ford: John 3:1-17; Isaiah 6:1-8; Acts 2:14a, 22-36; Psalm 29. You may view the sermon on our YouTube channel.

The Children’s Message: You may view the message on our YouTube channel. You may need to click on Playlists to access the children’s messages.


May 19, 2024 – Pentecost Ch. Steven Hokana: John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 139:1-12. You may view the sermon on our YouTube channel.

The Children’s Message: You may view the message on our YouTube channel. You may need to click on Playlists to access the children’s messages.


May 12, 2024 – Ascension Pr. Walt Harper: Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:15-23; Psalm 47.  You may view the sermon on our YouTube channel.

The Children’s Message: You may view the message on our YouTube channel. You may need to click on Playlists to access the children’s messages.


May 5, 2024 – The Sixth Sunday of Easter Pr. Colin Ford: John 15:9-17; Acts 10:34-48; 1 John 5:1-8; Psalm 98. You may view the sermon on our YouTube channel.

The Children’s Message: You may view the message on our YouTube channel. You may need to click on Playlists to access the children’s messages.