March 31, 2018: Easter Vigil: “A Time to Be Born”
March 30, 2018: Good Friday: “Love and Responsibility”
March 29, 2018: Maundy Thursday: “Holy Communion- Reminder, Opportunity and Invitation”
March 25, 2018: Palm Sunday: “Weathering Life’s Storm” – Matthew 7:24-27
March 18, 2018: The Fifth Sunday of Lent: “A Healthy Ambition” – Mark 10:35-45
March 11, 2018: The Fourth Sunday of Lent: “Prescription on a Pole” – Numbers 21:4-9, John 3:14-21
March 4,2018: The Third Sunday of Lent: “The Law is Good” – Exodus 20:1-17 – Lay Minister Bill Boykin